To properly set the gamma table, see the information below about how the
driver uses this table. You should also investigate how to control device
drivers. This is described in "Inside Macintosh Volume II." Another source
of information is the "Designing Cards and Drivers Manual for the
Gamma Information
In the current implementation of the video drivers, gamma correction is
applied to requested, absolute colors, immediately before they are set in
the color look-up table by the SetEntries control call. More specifically,
some number of high-order bits are extracted from the red, green, and blue
channels and used as an index into tables of corrected values. These
values are then placed into the hardware, yielding corrected output. On
the Macintosh II Video Card (the TFB card), the high eight bits of each
channel are used to reference the gamma table.
There are a number of minor shortcomings in this implementation. First,
there is not absolute symmetry between the SetEntries control call, which
sets the CLUT, and the GetEntries status call, which reads the CLUT
hardware, because the gamma correction took place as part of the
SetEntries call. Also, the uncorrected values are generally unrecoverable
(although a copy of the absolute colors are always available in the
GDevice structure).
Finally, it is most desirable to extract more bits as an index to the
gamma table than the number of bits of color information that will be set
in the CLUT. This way, you avoid a loss of color resolution after
correction. For example, the TFB card has an eight-bit-per-channel CLUT,
but only uses the most-significant eight bits of the (16-bit) channel
information for gamma lookup. At lower intensities, the gamma correction
increases the distance between adjacent values. As a result, on the TFB
card, some dynamic range is lost at lower intensities. This could be
corrected by extracting nine or ten bits of channel information rather
than eight and using a larger, gamma-correction table, but this option was
declined to reduce gamma table size.
The GammaTbl Data Structure
[dgp: This section has many errors. I suggest you turn instead to Designing Cards and Drivers, 3rd Ed., which, finally, includes this information.]
The structure itself has been a bit of a mystery, as it is not defined in
either "Inside Macintosh Volume V" or the Designing Cards and Drivers
Manual. This is the structure:
record GammaTable of
gVersion: integer; {gtab version, currently 0}
gType: integer; {drHwId value}
gFormulaSize: integer; {size of formula data, below}
gChanCnt: integer; {# of component channels}
gDataCnt: integer; {# of values per channel}
gDataWidth: integer; {size of data in tables}
{gamma correction look-up tables}
gFormulaData: array [0.. gFormulaSize] of byte;
{data for gamma calculation formula}
gData: array [0.. gDataCnt] of byte;
In this structure, gVersion represents the gamma table format version,
which is 0 for all current cards. The gType field holds the drHwId value
for this board to identify the board that this table was measured for.
Note that this means that a single gamma table can't directly be shared
between two different cards, even if they both have the same CLUT response
curve (which is usually linear). This lets the data in the gamma table be
in an appropriate form for varying hardware (that is, a card could have
four-bit/channel DACs and might prefer gamma data in the range $0..$F
rather than $0..$FF).
gFormulaSize defines the number of bytes occupied by the gFormulaData
field. On Apple's current video cards, gamma correction is done by
modifying the values loaded into the CLUT by the SetEntries control call
to approximate linear response on the display. On these systems, the
gamma correction table acts as a final, look-up, data table, which
translates the requested color into closest available linearized level.
These gamma table values are determined empirically by measuring the
output of a calibrated display.
More sophisticated systems may choose an alternative to this simple
look-up mechanism. For instance, you can calculate gamma correction
factors based on a mathematical response function. By default, the TFB
card uses a single correction table for all three channels. No
calculations are performed on the incoming color table other than simple
lookup. Cards can remember the specific monitor configuration at the
beginning of the gFormulaData field, allowing it to identify and use only
gamma tables developed for the currently connected monitor.
gChanCnt is the number of look-up tables in gData, below. If there is more
than one channel of gamma correction data, then the R, G, and B tables
follow each other, respectively, at the end of the structure.
gDataCnt is the number of discrete look-up values included in each of the
channel's correction table. It is always equal to 2gDataWidth [dgp: I think they meant to say 1<<gDataWidth], but refers to number of bytes that this channel's data occupies.
gDataWidth describes the number of significant bits of information
available in each entry in a channel's correction table. The data always
appears as gDataWidth bits, right-justified in a field that is the next
larger number of bytes than gDataWidth. Because it is rare to have
devices with more than eight bits of CLUT resolution, virtually all
devices pack their correction data into bytes.
gData is actual correction table data. If there is more than one channel's
information, each table follows the next in R, G, B order. The standard
tables included in Apple's driver have only one table, which is applied to
all three output channels. Because Pascal cannot express variable size
fields in record structures, the independent channels are not individually
"gama" Resource Format
In addition to the RAM data structure for gamma tables covered above,
there is a standard resource format for gamma table resources. Like many
other resource templates, the gamma structure is an image of the RAM form
stored in resource format. There are no changes.
Using Gamma Correction
Gamma correction is always applied by the TFB video driver. At driver open
time, the driver is usually initialized with a linear (noncorrecting)
gamma table. When _InitGraf is called, the "scrn" screen configuration
resource is read from the System file. This resource (described in "Inside
Macintosh Volume V") includes information about the size and orientation
of the different monitors configured into the system, including their last
video mode (pixelsize), color table, and gamma table.
If there is no "gama" resource ID specified, or the specified ID is not
present, then a default gamma table, "gama" =0 is loaded from the System
file and used (this is the table calculated for the TFB card). If the
specified resource is found, then the appropriate resource is loaded, and
a control call is issued to the driver to make this the current gamma
table. Unfortunately, there is currently no tool to set the "gama" ID,
short of modifying the "scrn" resource directly.
To facilitate the use of the gamma table, there are two calls in the
standard, video-driver routines that set the gamma table (control call 4,
SetGamma) and retrieve the pointer to the current gamma table (status call
6 [dgp: oops, they mean 8] on TFB rev 2 drivers and up). These calls simply take and return a pointer to a GammaTbl structure.
I am writing to report some errors in the otherwise helpful document:
"Grayscale Information" (Rev. 23 April '89) in Tech Info.
0. "A quick and easy way to do this is to pass -1 to the SetGamma Control parameter block as the new table address." According to Designing Cards & Drivers, 3rd Ed., we should pass NULL, not -1.
1. In the next to last line, it says that GetGamma is "(status call 6 on TFB rev 2 drivers and up)". This is wrong. The MPW header file Video.h correctly defines cscGetGamma = 8.
2. The explanation of gDataCnt is wrong. "It is always equal to 2gDataWidth..." Presumably it was meant to say 2^gDataWidth or 1<<gDataWidth. However, is this really true? There is a video card on the market now with 9-bit dacs. Does it conform to this rule?
3. Another error in the same paragraph: "The data always appears ... in a field that is the next larger number of bytes than gDataWidth." According to this sentence, since gDataWidth is 8 bits, the data would be stored in two bytes, not one. What is intended is "larger or equal to", or to rephrase, "the smallest number of bytes that will hold gDataWidth bits".